I pull a lot of prints that aren't quite right. I'm still experimenting with hand-printing and brayer techniques, so I have a lot of prints that I don't end up using because there is bad coverage or random ink on a spot that I didn't trim enough. These things are normal when you're still experimenting. I can still look at those prints and see a lot of good in them alongside the room for improvement... And then there are the bad prints. They're not a little off, or not quite right. They're just bad. It's because I'm human and do dumb things sometimes. Luckily there are fewer of these than there are prints that are just "not quite right" but still, I often feel bad just throwing them away. And so, I'm going to share a few really bad pulls from when I was working on Athena. I hope you get a laugh or two out of them.
So, these are some of my screw-ups. We might as well laugh at them, because things don't always work out right. I'm not a master printer yet, so I don't beat myself up when a print doesn't come out right. I try to figure out why it isn't working the way I thought it would, and instead of berating myself, I work the problem. I'm learning along the way, and when things get a little frustrating, I laugh at the weird stuff that comes into my head, like a ghost owl with a solid belly (try reading that caption in a high pitched voice- it makes me giggle). So if anybody is having trouble with something, don't be too hard on yourself. Try to solve the problem, and when it's starting to make you see red, have a good laugh. Hell, come laugh at my crappy owls up there if it helps. Just keep at it, and eventually, it'll all work out.
Hit me up on Twitter (@CaptGam) or down in the comments section, and I'll throw another one of these updates your way soon. Thanks for reading everybody!
Unless otherwise noted, all work by Wade Ellett is licensed under a
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