Sunday, February 2, 2014

I Printed Some Stuff Guys!

Hello and welcome back to my little corner of the world. I've been busy carving and pulling proofs, and I'm pretty pleased with the results I've had. I'm still working on revising Think Digital/Act Analog so I don't have a final print to show you yet! I know that I've had that one hanging for weeks now, but I just can't seem to get it quite right. I'll have the apartment to myself again next weekend while Clarissa is at yoga teacher training so maybe I'll spend my alone time finishing up that particular design. But I'm not making any promises; it's difficult to say what I'll be moved to work on when the time comes!

But what about what I've been working on this week?

Last time I posted, I was working on a little experiment in which I asked my readers/friends/followers to make requests. The goal was to allow me to try some new techniques... The results have been much better than I had expected! First up is a request for an owl print, which I have titled Athena.

There are still a few final edits to make, but I got to experiment using my tools to make cuts instead of relying so much just on using my fine gouges to make outlines (though I did use it to make a lot of fine lines). I also was asked to create a pirate ship. I mentioned last time that this became less of a pirate ship in particular and more into a ship in general. But that's kind of how it goes with me, and designs will evolve as I'm working on them. I'm pleased at how this design has turned out as well, and I have titled it Take My Love, Take My Land (a free print to the first person to comment or tweet at me from where I derived the title!).

I hope you enjoy these designs, but I'd love to hear your opinion (good or bad), and I'm still taking requests! If I ended up using your suggestion for a design, you get a free print! How awesome is that?

There are awesome things in the works, and I'll share them with you as they develop. For now, I'm glad you've stopped by to check out what I'm working on. Tomorrow is Monday, so it's back to the day job, but even a day job doesn't keep me from having my random daily adventures. Trust me, looking at life as an experimental art project does wonders for one's outlook in life!

If you have a request, question, opinion, idea, insult, or anything else you would like to share, you can hit up the comments section or feel free to hit me up on twitter. You can find me under @CaptGam. It's a nifty way to get updates on when a new post gets written, and to just hear the random things that pop into my head about art, work, life, pop-culture, Batman, etc... It's groovy, if you're into that. 

Until next time, thanks for reading this post and looking at my pictures! I hope you all have an excellent week!

Creative Commons License
Unless otherwise noted, all work by Wade Ellett is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


  1. Firefly. And love that owl! And its title! I may need to buy a print for Sis! The ship is really fine, as well! Good work!

    1. Well since you nailed the reference, I'll send you one!
