Monday, March 24, 2014

Draw Daily and Other Interesting Tales

Well friends, I didn't get to any printmaking this weekend. Please don't be too disappointed in me, I'm already pretty disappointed about it myself. I did get a lot of work done on the whole "internship report" thing, but it isn't very satisfying. Hopefully I can finish that stuff up soon and get back to things on which I'd rather be working. 

But let's get past the weekend's failure to complete papers and get printing. Let's talk about this new thing I've been doing here lately. I call it draw daily. Here's how it is; I love to draw. Sometimes it's something that I've had on my mind (I keep a long list of various ideas on Evernote that pop into my head, many of which I hope to develop into prints someday). But other times it's just doodles. Sometimes it's quick drawings of comic book characters, and here lately I've had a thing for trying to draw sea creatures. Sometimes I try to really develop what I'm working on, but sometimes it's just doodles. No doubt you've seen some of these things already if you follow me on Twitter (@CaptGam) or Instagram (wdtellett)

Like I said, I love to draw. It helps me relax, it helps clear my head, and the more that I do it the better I get at it. But here's the other thing; as is the case with most things in life, it can seem hard to make time to draw every day. I have work, and then I have things to do at home, and all those other daily drills that people need to do. And this is why I started Draw Daily (#drawdaily on my social media). Again, like most things, starting is the hardest part. I have half an hour of daily drawing time scheduled on my Google calendar and it sends me an alert to my phone to remind me to get to it! I schedule almost all of my life this way actually. I don't necessarily use the allotted time for the scheduled purpose, but by creating an alert to remind me and just breaking my day into sections, I've already set myself up to do what I need to do as opposed to slacking off. Hopefully it'll eventually just be one of my habits that I do every day. It'll just take some work.

The short term results have been both fun and instructive...


Although a number of these aren't original or fully developed, they're useful exercises and great practice. 
In other news, Clarissa and I will be headed to the Figge on Thursday to see this month's Pecha Kucha Night, an informal presentation/demonstration featuring Quad Cities Area residents sharing the things they make, do, and love. One of Clarissa's friends will be presenting, and the Figge is always a fun place to visit, so we're both looking forward to it. And now you can probably look forward to a little review being posted a day or two after the show. 
Thanks for reading my latest update. Please don't hesitate to hit me up in the comments section, I welcome your questions and comments. Also, I welcome you to follow me on twitter (@CaptGam) and Instagram (wdtellett) and join me in #drawdaily. 

Unless otherwise noted, all work by Wade Ellett is licensed under a
  Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at


  1. The first drawing posted is my favorite!

    1. I'm glad that you like it! I call that one "Smoked Calamari"
